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Found 50270 results for any of the keywords shah commerce college. Time 0.009 seconds.
About Us - CITY C.U. SHAH COMMERCE COLLEGECity Commerce College affiliated to Gujarat University, was founded in 1966. The college was given its name, City C.U. Shah Commerce College on the name of the donar Shri Chimanlal Ujamshibhai Shah in 1970. Since 2010, t
City C.U.Shah Commerce CollegeCity C.U.Shah Commerce College
Faculty Members - CITY C.U. SHAH COMMERCE COLLEGEThe lecturers of City C. U. Shah Commerce College are highly qualified, experienced and learned persons. Most of them are authors of text books and other subjects. The Principal, S. K. Trivedi, a vast experience to his c
From President - CITY C.U. SHAH COMMERCE COLLEGEIn order to update with the changing times, C.U.Shah City Commerce College is going ‘on-line’ on world wide web. The management has witnessed the contribution of college during last 40 years. In accordance with the visio
C.U Shah Ronak Foundation, Sudhir Nanavati
Eligibility for Admission - CITY C.U. SHAH COMMERCE COLLEGEStudents who have passed the higher secondary examinations having subjects of Accountancy, Business Administration and English ( Higher level or lower level ) are eligible for admission to the F.Y.B.Com class. In additio
About Gujarat Law Society - CITY C.U. SHAH COMMERCE COLLEGEEstablished in 1927, Gujarat Law Society has come a long way with 38 educational institutions under its umbrella today. Founded by Shri Ganesh Mavlankar and Sheth Shri Kasturbhai Lalbhai, it has earned for itself a place
Star Batch - CITY C.U. SHAH COMMERCE COLLEGEThe brilliant students achieving higher percentage need s special guidance and help to excel at University Level Examination. The selected bright students are helped with the previous year papers solutions and special ex
Fee Structure - CITY C.U. SHAH COMMERCE COLLEGEYear : 2016-2017 (Per semester) Under Graduate Boys Girls F.Y. B.Com. Semester 1 1310 710 S.Y. B.Com. Semester 3 1160 560 T.Y. B.Com. Semester 5 1160 560 Year : 2016-2017 (Per Semester) Postgradute Boys Girls M.Com. Seme
Academic Programmes - CITY C.U. SHAH COMMERCE COLLEGEB.Com. with Advance Accountancy offering subsidiary subjects like Statistics, Secretarial Practice, Banking Tally Programme as a part of academic programmes. M.Com. with Management Accountancy Other Academic Programmes
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